Monday, September 26, 2011

The world is so small.. I managed to add 3 of my cousins in facebook.

everything about the last days in australia

When it's time to stop, I have to rest. When the wind blows against my face, I felt refreshed. Time seemed to stop for me. And the picture in front of me looks so pretty and clear.

I want to make sure I do not forget parts of my life

Lately, I have been leading a fairly monotonous life. Knocking off from work, coming back home and switching on my computer, afterwards I will start battling with the computer screen. After a few strenuous hours on mind boggling games, time to go to bed. What a boring life! At times, I start to think, what will life be like if I had done something different today. 

Today is my late grandma's 'birthday'. I had only realized it when I flip through my dusty old calendar in my blackberry. Memories are like photo films, passing through quickly in frames and I felt that I just could not hold on to any of them. When my grandma is still around, many of us used to gather in my home town, Malaysia for her birthday celebrations, Chinese New Year and other festive seasons. However, things changed overnight when she was gone. Years have gone, I no longer shed tears like that time when I send her away but I guess the part that I really miss now is the bond that she gave us.

I started writing again solely because I wish to keep some memories of my life when I age and grow old. When I no longer remember how to do financial calculations, walk or even just laughing out loud. I told myself I need a change. And this is the beginning of it.